Saturday, June 25, 2016

Nano Congress 2016: 9th International Conference on Nano Congress for Next Generation  

Nano Congress 2016: 9th International Conference on Nano Congress for Next Generation  

On this auspicious occasion, OMICS International inviting the participants from all over the globe to take part in the 9th International Conference on Nano Congress for Next Generation  at Valencia, Spain during June 27-29, 2016.

4Wave Inc. Nanomaterials

                                                    4Wave Inc. Nanomaterials

can share their experiences and opinions here about companies and their
products which they have cooperated with or which they are still cooperating
with and thus pass on valuable information to other users who are only starting
to look for people to cooperate with. Thanks to this, ranks among
the important mediators between research laboratories, entrepreneurs and


                                                           Nanomaterials is split into four main sections
which are a directory of companies, a catalogue of products, a magazine and a
calendar. The portal is thus trying to create the strongest possible network
made up of experts, scientists, entrepreneurs, students and the public, who
will contribute here with their experiences and offer their services and
products, services and products which they were able to create with the aid of
nanotechnology and which are just waiting to find the appropriate application.

Airbus España Catalog of Nanotechnology Companies

                                  Airbus España Catalog of Nanotechnology Companies

The PORTAL devoted to
nanotechnologies was created in the Czech Republic in the very heart of Europe.
Although this is a small country, research into nanotechnology is performed on
a very high level here, thanks to which many new designs and patents have been
created. The aim of the portal is to create one of the largest international
networks which will act as the perfect connecting link between research and
distribution in the field of nanotechnology. 

Saturday, June 11, 2016

INL - International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory University and Research Institutes

INL - International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory University and Research Institutes

Еру Laboratory is the result of a joint decision of the Governments of Portugal and Spain. Aiming to become a vital part of Europe’s scientific area, the INL provides a state of the art research environment addressing major challenges in nanomedicine, nanotechnology applied to environmental & food control nanoelectronics, and nanomachines and molecular manipulation at nanoscale. The INL seeks to advance the boundaries of knowledge in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, developing and transforming the associated technologies, through research and innovation, human capital development, and collaborative work

New developments in the field of nanotechnology – a method that restores vision

New developments in the field of nanotechnology – a method that restores vision

Sight is an integral part of life for most animals, but certain individuals are not fortunate enough to see the world in 20/20 vision. Scientists have long tried to develop techniques and technology to improve or completely restore impaired vision. Thanks to the work of Czech scientists there is now a ray of hope for the majority of those with vision-impairments. By using nanotechnology, scientists and physicians are now a step closer to restoring sight, largely thanks to the work completed by the Technical University in Liberec, in the Czech Republic.

Nanotechnology - Leading Way to Medicinal Innovation

                           Nanotechnology - Leading Way to Medicinal Innovation

Nanotechnology is likely to revolutionize the world of medicine. Researchers are optimistic that this unique technology will clearly transform the diagnosis and treatment strategies of various fatal illnesses. Some of the possibilities are in a trial stage on the basis of which future evolution is being estimated. Nanotechnology utilizes nanoparticles to fight the disease in human body. Considerable research has been done in this field to offer latest and unique solutions in the field of medicine. It is plausible that in the coming years, we will be enjoying the perks of “Nanomedicine” on a whole new level.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

8th World Medical Nanotechnology Congress & Expo: Medical Nanotechnology 2016

8th World Medical Nanotechnology Congress & Expo: Medical Nanotechnology 2016

Medical Nanotechnology 2016 provides a perfect symposium for scientists, engineers, directors of companies and students in the field of Nanotechnology to meet and share their knowledge. The scientific program paves a way to gather visionaries through the research talks and presentations and put forward many thought provoking strategies.

Using nanotechnology in cardiology – Synthetic nanofiber vascular grafts

Using nanotechnology in cardiology – Synthetic nanofiber vascular grafts

The need to develop a new material was expressed by cardiology and cardiac surgery departments, which are constantly faced with a lack of autografts, i.e. grafts using the patient’s own tissue that are the first choice during cardiac surgery. Unfortunately, in a number of cases, as autografts cannot be used, an alternative must be found and blocked vessels are ultimately bypassed with artificial vessels. While this method works well in larger diameter artificial vascular grafts, it presents a problem in vessels less than 6mm in diameter, where artificial grafts threaten the lives of patients because of potential blood clots. This task was very demanding, considering the complicated nature of vascular tissue, which contains several types of cells.

Nanoorbit - Nanotechnology journal

                                Nanoorbit - Nanotechnology journal

Stem cells and nanotechnology also give great hope to patients with diabetes who have inflamed retinas or diabetic retinopathy, arising due to general vascular impairments which can lead to severe vision impairments or in the worst cases, complete blindness. This type of blindness is very difficult to treat since it involves the retina, located in the back part of the eye. However, treatment using stem cells grown on nanofibers could help millions of patients suffering from this illness.

Centre for Knowledge Management of Nanoscience & Technology (CKMNT) Catalog of Nanotechnology Companies

         Centre for Knowledge Management of Nanoscience & Technology (CKMNT) Catalog of                            Nanotechnology Companies

The centre target is to offer comprehensive one-stop nanoscience and technology information services to researchers, industries, policy makers, venture capitalists and funding agencies and would help in fulfilling the objectives of the Nano Mission.
It was established in 2009 at Hyderabad by the International Advanced Research Centre for Powder Metallurgy and New Materials (ARCI) as one of its project centres. The centre has been set up to foster the exchange and dissemination of advanced technological knowledge and expertise to meet the needs of the nanoresearchers, industry, policy makers, financial institutions and venture capitalists. 

Asian Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Association (ANNA) Nanotechnology Services

     Asian Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Association (ANNA) Nanotechnology Services

ANNA is a nonprofit association registered in National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, a Government Organization under the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Japan. ANNA is cooperating with a group of researchers in Japan to keep up with the growing needs for cooperative interactions among researchers in Asian countries. 

New developments in the field of nanotechnology – a method that restores vision

            New developments in the field of nanotechnology – a method that restores vision

Nanofibers are being created in Liberec that are used in patients to apply stem cells to damaged areas. Scientists from the Institute of Experimental Medicine of the Academy of Science of the Czech Republic have discovered that if stem cells taken from a patient’s bone marrow or fat tissue or received from a matching donor are grown on special nanofibers and placed in the eye, they have the ideal environment for growth, they stay in the right place in the eye and in some cases increase the chances of saving vision several fold. For the time being, testing has been limited to the laboratory, but it is already obvious that this new procedure will have practical applications. Before this happens however, it’s still necessary to conduct clinical trials and get approval from the State Institute for Drug Control.

NANOORBIT - Nanotechnology Suppliers, Products, Events

                          NANOORBIT - Nanotechnology Suppliers, Products, Events

Sight is an integral part of life for most animals, but certain individuals are not fortunate enough to see the world in 20/20 vision. Scientists have long tried to develop techniques and technology to improve or completely restore impaired vision. Thanks to the work of Czech scientists there is now a ray of hope for the majority of those with vision-impairments. By using nanotechnology, scientists and physicians are now a step closer to restoring sight, largely thanks to the work completed by the Technical University in Liberec, in the Czech Republic.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology

                              Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology

The portal does not contain only information
about innovations in the field of nanotechnology. The above-mentioned directory
which helps to bridge the gap between research and business is very important. This
is to say that the catalogue offers an overview of products which the given
company offers, allowing customers to select a contractor to precisely suit
their requirements. Users can fill in an enquiry form on the website helping
them to quickly find the required company, using precise parameters and without
a protracted and needless search. Thanks to the fact that details about companies
and manufacturers are constantly updated on the portal,
contacting a company which is located several thousands of kilometres away thus
becomes a simple matter and can be accomplished without a lengthy search and
checking to see whether you have found the right company.

Another essential part of the portal
is the calendar of events. This contains an overview of future exhibitions,
conferences and seminars, as well as coverage of exhibitions which are
currently underway or have already taken place. Thanks to this, the user always
has a good idea of what is happening in the world of nanotechnology, what
progress has been achieved and how far this field has again moved forward. 

Nanoelectronics - nanotechnology in electronics

                                Nanoelectronics - nanotechnology in electronics is trying to make work easier for
all those searching for information or business partners from all over the
world in the field of nanotechnology. Users have the opportunity here to
establish cooperation and business relations, regardless whether this concerns
a contractor from the neighbouring city or neighbouring state or even from a
different continent. If for example you are planning to test material with a
microscope which you need to find a special film for, then just using Google
will not be enough for you. You must find a contractor which has parameters
suitable for use in the field of nanotechnology. It is precisely for cases like
this that the portal was created, attempting to simply ease
communication and work for all those who are interested in and who use nanotechnology.
Thanks to the portal, you can immediately open a catalogue of companies and
find precisely that product, service or partner which you currently need for
your project or product. In addition to this, while choosing a company, you can
already see its rating and thus find out whether the company is very helpful
and obliging or precisely the opposite and can then decide to continue your search
and look for another company.