Nanomedicine - nanotechnology in medicine
portal does not contain only information about innovations in the field of nanotechnology.
The above-mentioned directory which helps to bridge the gap between research
and business is very important. This is to say that the catalogue offers an
overview of products which the given company offers, allowing customers to
select a contractor to precisely suit their requirements.
Wednesday, March 29, 2017
Nanoorbit - Nanotechnology journal
Nanoorbit - Nanotechnology journal
, users can share their experiences and
opinions here about companies and their products which they have cooperated
with or which they are still cooperating with and thus pass on valuable
information to other users who are only starting to look for people to
cooperate with. Thanks to this, ranks among the important
mediators between research laboratories, entrepreneurs and customers.
opinions here about companies and their products which they have cooperated
with or which they are still cooperating with and thus pass on valuable
information to other users who are only starting to look for people to
cooperate with. Thanks to this, ranks among the important
mediators between research laboratories, entrepreneurs and customers.
Tuesday, March 28, 2017
Nanotechnology Exhibitions and Events, nanotechnology calendar
Nanotechnology Exhibitions and Events, nanotechnology calendar is split into four main sections
which are a directory of companies, a catalogue of products, a magazine and a
calendar. The portal is thus trying to create the strongest possible network
made up of experts, scientists, entrepreneurs, students and the public, who
will contribute here with their experiences and offer their services and
products, services and products which they were able to create with the aid of
nanotechnology and which are just waiting to find the appropriate application.
which are a directory of companies, a catalogue of products, a magazine and a
calendar. The portal is thus trying to create the strongest possible network
made up of experts, scientists, entrepreneurs, students and the public, who
will contribute here with their experiences and offer their services and
products, services and products which they were able to create with the aid of
nanotechnology and which are just waiting to find the appropriate application.
Nanotechnolgy companies
Nanotechnolgy companies
The PORTAL devoted to
nanotechnologies was created in the Czech Republic in the very heart of Europe.
Although this is a small country, research into nanotechnology is performed on
a very high level here, thanks to which many new designs and patents have been
created. The aim of the portal is to create one of the largest international
networks which will act as the perfect connecting link between research and
distribution in the field of nanotechnology.
nanotechnologies was created in the Czech Republic in the very heart of Europe.
Although this is a small country, research into nanotechnology is performed on
a very high level here, thanks to which many new designs and patents have been
created. The aim of the portal is to create one of the largest international
networks which will act as the perfect connecting link between research and
distribution in the field of nanotechnology.
Saturday, March 25, 2017
Scientists create the world's smallest snowman - used nanotechnology
Scientists create the world's smallest snowman - used nanotechnology
Scientists have created the world’s smallest 'snowman', measuring about a fifth of the width of a human hair. To envision how small this snowman is, know that the average human hair is 75 microns thick and Western University's creation is less than three microns. The showman has stick like arms and a carrot shaped nose made of platinum. The first showman from Todd Simpson (Western University) was created in 2005. New version has eyes and mouth.
Scientists have created the world’s smallest 'snowman', measuring about a fifth of the width of a human hair. To envision how small this snowman is, know that the average human hair is 75 microns thick and Western University's creation is less than three microns. The showman has stick like arms and a carrot shaped nose made of platinum. The first showman from Todd Simpson (Western University) was created in 2005. New version has eyes and mouth.
Nanostructured Filters in Shipping
Nanostructured Filters in Shipping
Hardly anybody realizes that cargo ships rank among the biggest polluters of the planet. Approximately 55,000 cargo ships sail daily across oceans and are still powered by fuel that is much dirtier than diesel. This should be rectified by nanotechnology and nanostructured filters in the future.
Hardly anybody realizes that cargo ships rank among the biggest polluters of the planet. Approximately 55,000 cargo ships sail daily across oceans and are still powered by fuel that is much dirtier than diesel. This should be rectified by nanotechnology and nanostructured filters in the future.
Thursday, March 23, 2017
Compulsive behaviour is a subject very close to my heart. I struggled with emotional eating from a young girl until well into my late thirties. It was only when I truly understood that our compulsions are a gift, that I was able to start healing these patterns that dominated my everyday thoughts.
Compulsive behaviour is a subject very close to my heart. I struggled with emotional eating from a young girl until well into my late thirties. It was only when I truly understood that our compulsions are a gift, that I was able to start healing these patterns that dominated my everyday thoughts.
Are you wondering what Vitamin O is? I’m sure you are, as I did when I first heard about it. My mentor Marc David from the Institute of the Psychology of Eating very cleverly came up with this name for the nutrient that is the best kept secret in the nutrition business. The nutrient that has a profound effect on metabolic power.
Are you wondering what Vitamin O is? I’m sure you are, as I did when I first heard about it. My mentor Marc David from the Institute of the Psychology of Eating very cleverly came up with this name for the nutrient that is the best kept secret in the nutrition business. The nutrient that has a profound effect on metabolic power.
Abgenix Inc. Medicine
Abgenix Inc. Medicine
Amgen is a leading human therapeutics company in the biotechnology industry.
Amgen is a leading human therapeutics company in the biotechnology industry. For 25 years, the company has tapped the power of scientific discovery and innovation to dramatically improve people’s lives.
Amgen pioneered the development of novel products based on advances in recombinant DNA and molecular biology and launched the biotechnology industry’s first blockbuster medicines. Today, as a Fortune 500 company serving millions of patients, Amgen continues to be an entrepreneurial, science-driven enterprise dedicated to helping people fight serious illness.
3P BIOPHARMACEUTICALS S.L. Catalog of Nanotechnology Companies
3P BIOPHARMACEUTICALS S.L. Catalog of Nanotechnology Companies
3P Biopharmaceuticals is equipped to handle both New Biological Entities (NBEs) manufacturing (fusion proteins, vaccines, monoclonal antibodies…) as well as Biosimilars.
3P Biopharmaceuticals benefits from the support of important institutions, technological and financial partners. We are an integral part of a privileged environment within the field of biosciences in Navarra, Spain. 3P Biopharmaceuticals maintains close ties with the University of Navarra and its different Departments and research centers such as the Centre for Applied Medical Research of Navarra and with relevant biotechnological and pharmaceutical companies. The cooperation with these partners enables 3P Biopharmaceuticals to develop cutting edge technology and offer comprehensive services of great added value in the development of proteins and other biological molecules.
Wednesday, March 22, 2017
nanoAlberta Nanomaterials
nanoAlberta Nanomaterials
NanoAlberta is an authority on nanotechnology research, development and commercialization activities in the province.
NanoAlberta was established as an organization devoted to the implementation of the Government of Alberta's Nanotechnology Strategy, which was notified in 2007. The Alberta-Ontario Program supports cross-provincial cooperation between industry and academia to solve key industry challenges in both provinces. The program is managed by Alberta Innovates-Technology Futures (AITF) and Ontario Centres of Excellence (OCE). They offer these programs and services:
- Attract and develop world-class research teams in Alberta
- Help start-up companies establish and grow
- Provide quality management and ISO consulting services across Canada
- Solve basic and applied research problems moving technologies from ideation to commercialization
Nano Science and Technology Consortium (NSTC) Nanotechnology Services
Nano Science and Technology Consortium (NSTC) Nanotechnology Services
NSTC is a non-government, professional association working with the aim of fostering research, business cooperation and providing advanced education and training in nanotechnology industry.
NSTC was estabished in 2006 and it is India's premier business association in Nanotechnology arena, with membership from the private as well as public sectors, including SMEs and MNCs, Research institutes, Academicians and the students. NSTC is devoting to make a platform conducive for growth, promotion and partnering in the area of Nano Science and Technology. It is bringing together industries, students, academia and government through consultative, advisory and educative processes.
The 2nd International Conference on Nanotechnology Modeling and Simulation
The 2nd International Conference on Nanotechnology Modeling and Simulation
The 2nd International Conference on Nanotechnology Modeling and Simulation (ICNMS'17) aims to become the leading annual conference in fields related to nanotechnology modeling and simulation. The goal of ICNMS'17 is to gather scholars from all over the world to present advances in the relevant fields and to foster an environment conducive to exchanging ideas and information. This conference will also provide an ideal environment to develop new collaborations and meet experts on the fundamentals, applications, and products of the mentioned fields.
The 2nd International Conference on Nanotechnology Modeling and Simulation (ICNMS'17) aims to become the leading annual conference in fields related to nanotechnology modeling and simulation. The goal of ICNMS'17 is to gather scholars from all over the world to present advances in the relevant fields and to foster an environment conducive to exchanging ideas and information. This conference will also provide an ideal environment to develop new collaborations and meet experts on the fundamentals, applications, and products of the mentioned fields.
World Congress and Expo on Nanotechnology and Nanoengineering
World Congress and Expo on Nanotechnology and Nanoengineering
Biocore extend a warm welcome to the distinguished speakers, delegates, Nanotechnologists, pharmaceutical industry leaders and eminent personalities from all around the World to attend the World Congress and Expo on Nanotechnology and Nanoengineering during March 27-29, 2017, UAE.
Biocore extend a warm welcome to the distinguished speakers, delegates, Nanotechnologists, pharmaceutical industry leaders and eminent personalities from all around the World to attend the World Congress and Expo on Nanotechnology and Nanoengineering during March 27-29, 2017, UAE.
Sunday, March 19, 2017
Innovative Scientific Solutions Inc. Nanotechnology in Transport
Innovative Scientific Solutions Inc. Nanotechnology in Transport
ISSI has pioneered the development of several laser diagnostic tools for flow visualization and measurement. Our researchers are specialized in obtaining simultaneous, instantaneous data using multiple laser systems. The techniques routinely used at ISSI in understanding complex subsonic and supersonic flows are:
- RMS (Reactive Mie Scattering)
- LIF (Laser-Induced Fluorescence)
- CARS (Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Spectroscopy)
- PIV (Particle Image Velocimetry)
- Holographic 3-D PIV
- LDV (Laser Doppler Velocimetry)
- PDV/DGV (Planar Doppler Velocimetry/Doppler Global Velocimetry)
- TFV (Thin-Filament Velocimetry)
- PSP/TSP (Pressure Sensitive Paint/Temperature Sensitive Paint)
- Plasma Diagnostics
InMat Inc. Nanotechnology in Transport
InMat Inc. Nanotechnology in Transport
InMat®, Inc., headquartered in Hillsborough, New Jersey, U.S.A. is a leading company in the field of nanocomposite coatings that dramatically improve the barrier properties of polymers and elastomers.
Founded in 1999, and selling commercially since 2001, InMat develops, markets and manufactures nanocomposite coatings.
These coatings use InMat’s proprietary and patented Nanolok™ technology platform, and have been marketed under the brand name Air D-Fense™ and Nanolok™. These products will enable significant advancements in industries including flexible and rigid packaging, automotive, medical, protective apparel and sports equipment.
The core InMat technical development team has been together since 1997. The team has demonstrated its ability to develop, scale-up and manufacture new barrier coatings as well as its commitment and creativity towards success.
Are you wondering what Vitamin O is? I’m sure you are, as I did when I first heard about it. My mentor Marc David from the Institute of the Psychology of Eating very cleverly came up with this name for the nutrient that is the best kept secret in the nutrition business. The nutrient that has a profound effect on metabolic power.
Are you wondering what Vitamin O is? I’m sure you are, as I did when I first heard about it. My mentor Marc David from the Institute of the Psychology of Eating very cleverly came up with this name for the nutrient that is the best kept secret in the nutrition business. The nutrient that has a profound effect on metabolic power.
Louise Jeffrey is an Acupuncturist and Nutritional Therapist | Louise
Louise Jeffrey is an Acupuncturist and Nutritional Therapist | Louise
Louise Jeffrey is an Acupuncturist and Nutritional Therapist, who runs a busy practice in North Sydney. She is trained in Traditional Chinese Medicine (Portsmouth University London UK), Strategic Psychotherapy and Clinical Hypnotherapy (Australian Institute of Clinical Hypnotherapy), and Dynamic Eating Psychology (Institute of The Psychology of Eating US). She is a member of ANTA , AHA and the Chinese Medicine Registration Board (CMRB), which means she is fully insured and upholds a strict code of ethics and accountability. Louise is covered with all health funds that offer rebates for Acupuncture & Hypnotherapy. Louise is passionate about helping others to achieve their personal and life goals. Her goal is to make Acupuncture and Dynamic Eating Psychology more easily accessible to men and women who are in need.
Louise Jeffrey is an Acupuncturist and Nutritional Therapist, who runs a busy practice in North Sydney. She is trained in Traditional Chinese Medicine (Portsmouth University London UK), Strategic Psychotherapy and Clinical Hypnotherapy (Australian Institute of Clinical Hypnotherapy), and Dynamic Eating Psychology (Institute of The Psychology of Eating US). She is a member of ANTA , AHA and the Chinese Medicine Registration Board (CMRB), which means she is fully insured and upholds a strict code of ethics and accountability. Louise is covered with all health funds that offer rebates for Acupuncture & Hypnotherapy. Louise is passionate about helping others to achieve their personal and life goals. Her goal is to make Acupuncture and Dynamic Eating Psychology more easily accessible to men and women who are in need.
Saturday, March 18, 2017
Hosokawa Micron Group Catalog of Nanotechnology Companies
Hosokawa Micron Group Catalog of Nanotechnology Companies
They offers process solutions for powder and particle processing including the application, development and commercialization of ultra fine composite particles for nanotechnology.
This company was founded in 1949 and their vision is to be a leader of production of Powder Technologies. They specialize in providing process solutions in the areas of powder and particle processing technology, blown film technology, and confectionery technology. Hosokawa Micron Group maintains facilities for research, engineering, manufacturing and service throughout Asia, the Americas and Europe.
Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Graphene Research Society Catalog of Nanotechnology Companies
Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Graphene Research Society Catalog of Nanotechnology Companies
They make an opportunity to provide information relate to basic science and applied technology concerning to nano carbon based materials.
They were earlier known as “The Fullerenes and Nanotubes Research Society” and they renamed in 2011. Their main aim is to create an opportunity to provide information concerning basic science and applied technology relating to nano carbon based materials. The materials are fullerenes, carbon nanotubes and graphene and to provide an opportunity for members to get together.
Thursday, March 16, 2017
What does Self Love look Like? | Louise
What does Self Love look Like? | Louise
One of my clients recently asked me what self love looks like. Despite understanding intellectually that true happiness can only come from loving herself first and foremost, she was finding it hard to really ‘feel’ the love for herself. Most days she would wake up and look in the mirror and really not love what she saw – the extra weight, the saggy skin, the frown lines. And this made her path to transformation seem slow and painful most of the time. She felt like she was moving two steps forward then three steps back.
One of my clients recently asked me what self love looks like. Despite understanding intellectually that true happiness can only come from loving herself first and foremost, she was finding it hard to really ‘feel’ the love for herself. Most days she would wake up and look in the mirror and really not love what she saw – the extra weight, the saggy skin, the frown lines. And this made her path to transformation seem slow and painful most of the time. She felt like she was moving two steps forward then three steps back.
Online | Louise
Online | Louise
Do you struggle to stick to your food and eating plans or resolutions?
Do you sometimes feel like you have little control or willpower when it comes to certain foods ? Do you feel dissatisfied with your body and compare yourself to others or to a past version of yourself ? Do you often feel like there is a disconnect between your mind and your body ? (Your mind knows what is best to eat but the body drives you to eat other things?)
Do you sometimes feel like you have little control or willpower when it comes to certain foods ? Do you feel dissatisfied with your body and compare yourself to others or to a past version of yourself ? Do you often feel like there is a disconnect between your mind and your body ? (Your mind knows what is best to eat but the body drives you to eat other things?)
If you’ve answered yes, then you’re not alone. In a recent survey in Australia, 82% of women said they felt dissatisfied with their body, and 50% admitted that overeating, emotional eating or binge eating was a problem for them
Wednesday, March 15, 2017
Osaka University - Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Center University and Research Institutes
Osaka University - Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Center University and Research Institutes
This Center promotes industrial applications of nanotechnology and do a research in many fields of our life.
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Center was established in 2002. This organization is unique because of their integration of research fields of materials, lifescience and information. They established a new center to promote research in nanotechnology that has been brought by the fusion of micro-nano processing (top-down) and atom-molecule building (bottom-up). Their aim is work for industrial applications of nanotechnology such as creating nano-equipments and systems and implement special methods of evaluating them and consider applications of real life and cooperation from enterprises.
PerkinElmer Life and Analytical Sciences Catalog of Nanotechnology Companies
PerkinElmer Life and Analytical Sciences Catalog of Nanotechnology Companies
PerkinElmer now offers the broadest portfolio of products in cellular screening and analysis available.
This company helps scientists, clinicians, and lab professionals accelerate their science through their innovative detection, imaging, services, and informatics solutions. Their knowledge and expertise supports the discovery of critical insights in diagnostics, life sciences, and environmental applications and helps connect human and environmental health.
A long-time leader in the scientific community, PerkinElmer has a rich history of innovation and making life better through major scientific industry-defining strides in human and environmental health.
Ablynx Nv. University and Research Institutes
Ablynx Nv. University and Research Institutes
Ablynx is a pioneer in the discovery and development of a novel class of therapeutic proteins known as Nanobodies®. The structure and extreme stability of Nanobodies® enables them to engage therapeutic targets that are inaccessible to conventional antibodies. Nanobodies® therefore address the strong and growing demand for improved therapeutics for serious and life-threatening diseases, and have the potential to create new market opportunities beyond those accessible to conventional antibodies.
Ablynx is a pioneer in the discovery and development of a novel class of therapeutic proteins known as Nanobodies®. The structure and extreme stability of Nanobodies® enables them to engage therapeutic targets that are inaccessible to conventional antibodies. Nanobodies® therefore address the strong and growing demand for improved therapeutics for serious and life-threatening diseases, and have the potential to create new market opportunities beyond those accessible to conventional antibodies.
3rdTech Inc. University and Research Institutes
3rdTech Inc. University and Research Institutes
The Computer Science Department at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill has one of the world's best computer graphics and virtual environments research efforts. The department also enjoys a world-class reputation in medical image analysis, networking, and hardware systems design, and has significant strengths in other areas. In addition to talented faculty and researchers, every year the department attracts some of the brightest and most creative graduate students from around the world. And there are many other technology development groups within the university with similar reputations and potential.
The Computer Science Department at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill has one of the world's best computer graphics and virtual environments research efforts. The department also enjoys a world-class reputation in medical image analysis, networking, and hardware systems design, and has significant strengths in other areas. In addition to talented faculty and researchers, every year the department attracts some of the brightest and most creative graduate students from around the world. And there are many other technology development groups within the university with similar reputations and potential.
Tuesday, March 14, 2017
Czech Nanotechnology Industries Association Nanotechnology Organizations
Czech Nanotechnology Industries Association Nanotechnology Organizations
The Nano Association of Czech Republic was founded by 12 nanotech companies. The goal of the organization is to represent, both nationally and internationally, the strengths and capabilities of Czech companies in business, research, and education.
The Nano Association of Czech Republic was founded by 12 nanotech companies. The goal of the organization is to represent, both nationally and internationally, the strengths and capabilities of Czech companies in business, research, and education.
Czech Nanotechnology Cluster Nanotechnology Organizations
Czech Nanotechnology Cluster Nanotechnology Organizations
The Czech Nanotechnology Cluster aims to build a strong group of closely cooperating nanoproduct suppliers, businesses using nanotechnologies in their products and research and educational institutes operating in this sphere. The cluster is based in the Olomouc Region, Czech Republic.
The Czech Nanotechnology Cluster aims to build a strong group of closely cooperating nanoproduct suppliers, businesses using nanotechnologies in their products and research and educational institutes operating in this sphere. The cluster is based in the Olomouc Region, Czech Republic.
Webinar-24Apr17-5steps | Louise
Webinar-24Apr17-5steps | Louise
Are you ready to learn how to love your body & create a peaceful & uplifting relationship with food? I spent many years hating my body and obsessing about what I ate. Then I learnt how to make peace with food and love my body, and now I can say that I feel genuinely comfortable in my own skin and confident about who I am. What I want is to help you achieve the same… so you can have way more energy to live life and invest in the things that make you truly happy.
Are you ready to learn how to love your body & create a peaceful & uplifting relationship with food? I spent many years hating my body and obsessing about what I ate. Then I learnt how to make peace with food and love my body, and now I can say that I feel genuinely comfortable in my own skin and confident about who I am. What I want is to help you achieve the same… so you can have way more energy to live life and invest in the things that make you truly happy.
Louise Jeffrey is an Acupuncturist and Nutritional Therapist | Louise
Louise Jeffrey is an Acupuncturist and Nutritional Therapist | Louise
Louise Jeffrey is an Acupuncturist and Nutritional Therapist, who runs a busy practice in North Sydney. She is trained in Traditional Chinese Medicine (Portsmouth University London UK), Strategic Psychotherapy and Clinical Hypnotherapy (Australian Institute of Clinical Hypnotherapy), and Dynamic Eating Psychology (Institute of The Psychology of Eating US)
Louise Jeffrey is an Acupuncturist and Nutritional Therapist, who runs a busy practice in North Sydney. She is trained in Traditional Chinese Medicine (Portsmouth University London UK), Strategic Psychotherapy and Clinical Hypnotherapy (Australian Institute of Clinical Hypnotherapy), and Dynamic Eating Psychology (Institute of The Psychology of Eating US)
Sunday, March 12, 2017
InMat Inc. Nanotechnology in Transport
InMat Inc. Nanotechnology in Transport
InMat®, Inc., headquartered in Hillsborough, New Jersey, U.S.A. is a leading company in the field of nanocomposite coatings that dramatically improve the barrier properties of polymers and elastomers.
Founded in 1999, and selling commercially since 2001, InMat develops, markets and manufactures nanocomposite coatings.
These coatings use InMat’s proprietary and patented Nanolok™ technology platform, and have been marketed under the brand name Air D-Fense™ and Nanolok™. These products will enable significant advancements in industries including flexible and rigid packaging, automotive, medical, protective apparel and sports equipment.
The core InMat technical development team has been together since 1997. The team has demonstrated its ability to develop, scale-up and manufacture new barrier coatings as well as its commitment and creativity towards success.
Innovative Scientific Solutions Inc. Nanotechnology in Transport
Innovative Scientific Solutions Inc. Nanotechnology in Transport
ISSI has pioneered the development of several laser diagnostic tools for flow visualization and measurement. Our researchers are specialized in obtaining simultaneous, instantaneous data using multiple laser systems. The techniques routinely used at ISSI in understanding complex subsonic and supersonic flows are:
- RMS (Reactive Mie Scattering)
- LIF (Laser-Induced Fluorescence)
- CARS (Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Spectroscopy)
- PIV (Particle Image Velocimetry)
- Holographic 3-D PIV
- LDV (Laser Doppler Velocimetry)
- PDV/DGV (Planar Doppler Velocimetry/Doppler Global Velocimetry)
- TFV (Thin-Filament Velocimetry)
- PSP/TSP (Pressure Sensitive Paint/Temperature Sensitive Paint)
- Plasma Diagnostics
Thursday, March 9, 2017
BioNanoMed 2017 - Nanotechnology in Biology & Medicine
BioNanoMed 2017 - Nanotechnology in Biology & Medicine
We cordially invite you to submit your scientific work for the 8th International Congress - BioNanoMed 2017 the exclusive Know-How-Transfer meeting for scientists, researchers, engineers and practitioners from Natural Science, Medical Science and Engineering Subjects throughout the world.
We cordially invite you to submit your scientific work for the 8th International Congress - BioNanoMed 2017 the exclusive Know-How-Transfer meeting for scientists, researchers, engineers and practitioners from Natural Science, Medical Science and Engineering Subjects throughout the world.
10th International Conference and Exhibition on Pharmaceutics & Novel Drug Delivery Systems
10th International Conference and Exhibition on Pharmaceutics & Novel Drug Delivery Systems
Conference Series LLC is a renowned organization that organizes highly notable pharmaceutical conferences throughout the globe. After a successful conference of Pharmaceutica 2016, Conference Series LLC is currently bringing forth "10th International Conference and Exhibition on Pharmaceutics & Novel Drug Delivery Systems" (Pharmaceutica 2017) slated on March 13-15, 2017 at London, UK. The conference invites all the participants across the globe to attend and share their insights and convey recent developments in the field of Pharmaceutics and Novel Drug Delivery Systems. 2017 Highlights: 300+ Participation (70% Industry: 30% Academia) 5+ Keynote Speakers 50+ Plenary Speakers 20+ Exhibitors 14 Innovative Educational Sessions 5+ Workshops B2B Meetings Exhibition: Why exhibit?
Conference Series LLC is a renowned organization that organizes highly notable pharmaceutical conferences throughout the globe. After a successful conference of Pharmaceutica 2016, Conference Series LLC is currently bringing forth "10th International Conference and Exhibition on Pharmaceutics & Novel Drug Delivery Systems" (Pharmaceutica 2017) slated on March 13-15, 2017 at London, UK. The conference invites all the participants across the globe to attend and share their insights and convey recent developments in the field of Pharmaceutics and Novel Drug Delivery Systems. 2017 Highlights: 300+ Participation (70% Industry: 30% Academia) 5+ Keynote Speakers 50+ Plenary Speakers 20+ Exhibitors 14 Innovative Educational Sessions 5+ Workshops B2B Meetings Exhibition: Why exhibit?
Wednesday, March 8, 2017
NAREGI - National Research Grid Initiative Nanotechnology Services
NAREGI - National Research Grid Initiative Nanotechnology Services
They try to seek to advance research and development of grid middleware, grid operation technique and applications.
The main aim of the activities is to establish an academic information infrastructure for cutting-edge research, such as e-Science, and educational activities. NAREGI is performing R&D from two directions: through the grid middleware R&D at the National Institute of Informatics (NII), and through applied experimental study using nano-applications, at the Institute for Molecular Science (IMS).
Monday, March 6, 2017
ADCO Circuits Inc. Nanotechnology electronics, Mechanical Engineering, Electro, telco and IT
ADCO Circuits Inc. Nanotechnology electronics, Mechanical Engineering, Electro, telco and IT
ADCO Circuits, Inc., established in 1981, is located in Rochester Hills, Michigan, and provides electronic design and assembly services to a wide range of companies in the industrial, medical, automotive, telecommunications and aerospace/military equipment markets. As a full service turnkey supplier of custom electronics, ADCO can provide support from design and prototyping to new product introduction and full rate production. Through-hole, surface mount, and mixed technology board assemblies are all supported while full system "box builds" make up a large percentage of our sales. Our interest is in establishing long term relationships in an open environment with companies that require our advanced logistics, production, test, and quality capabilities.
ADCO Circuits, Inc., established in 1981, is located in Rochester Hills, Michigan, and provides electronic design and assembly services to a wide range of companies in the industrial, medical, automotive, telecommunications and aerospace/military equipment markets. As a full service turnkey supplier of custom electronics, ADCO can provide support from design and prototyping to new product introduction and full rate production. Through-hole, surface mount, and mixed technology board assemblies are all supported while full system "box builds" make up a large percentage of our sales. Our interest is in establishing long term relationships in an open environment with companies that require our advanced logistics, production, test, and quality capabilities.
Acreo AB Nanotechnology electronics, Mechanical Engineering, Electro, telco and IT
Acreo AB Nanotechnology electronics, Mechanical Engineering, Electro, telco and IT
Acreo provides innovative solutions that contribute to growth and profitability based on our competence in electronics, optics and communication technology.
With our expertise we refine research into viable products based on leading edge technologies, thus helping our customers to develop the advanced products of tomorrow. Our spectrum of competence is based on advanced research and is uniquely broad. Together with our high tech laboratories we are able to help our customers to commercialise new exciting ideas.
Sunday, March 5, 2017
ACTIVERY BIOTECH Catalog of Nanotechnology Companies
ACTIVERY BIOTECH Catalog of Nanotechnology Companies
Company developes innovative pharmaceuticals that modulate the body's own immune system.
Active Biotech is a company with focus on research and development of pharmaceutical products within medical areas where the immune defense is of significant importance. The research portfolio essentially contains projects for development of pharmaceuticals for neurodegenerative/inflammatory diseases and cancer. Active Biotech operations are currently focused on the laquinimod projects: The laquinimod projects are focused on the treatment of inflammatory/neurodegenerative diseases. The diseases in which clinical development is ongoing are RRMS,
Adinotec Catalog of Nanotechnology Companies
Adinotec Catalog of Nanotechnology Companies
The enterprise can basically be subdivided into two divisions; on the one hand the division for dietary foodstuffs for special medical purposes(balanced diets) as well as medical devices and medicines and on the other hand the division for industrial applications.
The enterprise can basically be subdivided into two divisions; on the one hand the division for dietary foodstuffs for special medical purposes(balanced diets) as well as medical devices and medicines and on the other hand the division for industrial applications.
Saturday, March 4, 2017
Nanotechnology Allowing Image Capture with Atomically Thin Materials
Nanotechnology Allowing Image Capture with Atomically Thin Materials
Image capture has become extremely important in the current day and time as it allows visual transferences of information. Technology has progressed enough to allow an endless number of selfies and photos to flood social networks. In addition, images have helped increased society’s knowledge as a whole by allowing people to visualize what is happening in other areas of the world without actually being there. However, many people tend to forget that image capture is also incredibly useful in the medical field, as bio-imaging devices help greatly in diagnosing and examining patients.
Image capture has become extremely important in the current day and time as it allows visual transferences of information. Technology has progressed enough to allow an endless number of selfies and photos to flood social networks. In addition, images have helped increased society’s knowledge as a whole by allowing people to visualize what is happening in other areas of the world without actually being there. However, many people tend to forget that image capture is also incredibly useful in the medical field, as bio-imaging devices help greatly in diagnosing and examining patients.
Nanotextiles - nanotechnology in textiles
Nanotextiles - nanotechnology in textiles
When it comes to clothing, all of us have distinctive taste. Some people wear practical clothes that are comfortable, others are ardent fashion followers and there are people who prefer durable clothes. However, everyone likes clothes that last long and can be personalized according to specific requirements. Nanotextiles has made it possible. This terrific technology uses nanoparticles to produce fabric that has great properties. Who wouldn't like to wear wrinkle free clothes? The fabric produced by this technology does not need ironing. Have a look at the commendable specifications of clothes produced with nanoparticles!
When it comes to clothing, all of us have distinctive taste. Some people wear practical clothes that are comfortable, others are ardent fashion followers and there are people who prefer durable clothes. However, everyone likes clothes that last long and can be personalized according to specific requirements. Nanotextiles has made it possible. This terrific technology uses nanoparticles to produce fabric that has great properties. Who wouldn't like to wear wrinkle free clothes? The fabric produced by this technology does not need ironing. Have a look at the commendable specifications of clothes produced with nanoparticles!
Thursday, March 2, 2017
APPLIED MASS SPECTROMETRY Catalog of Nanotechnology Companies
APPLIED MASS SPECTROMETRY Catalog of Nanotechnology Companies
AMSlab offers a value-added service in terms of short deadlines and quick development of new analytical procedures, aimed at providing solutions to the need of clients.
The company's mission is to provide the costumers with analytical methods of the highest sensitivity, according to the governing law and within the strictest deadlines. AMSlab provides solutions to problems related, for instance, to the environment, food safety and public health. They meet the needs of our clients in a friendly and flexible manner. They contribute with scientific assistance, supported by high technology and top professional skills. They try hard to meet the highest standards of professionalism, ensuring full confidentiality with their clients.
apotex Catalog of Nanotechnology Companies
apotex Catalog of Nanotechnology Companies
This is a pharmaceutical company faithful to R&D, manufacturing and distributing a broad range of high-quality, affordable medicines to patients, healthcare providers, payers and governments worldwide.
This company was established in 1974 and is the largest Canadian-owned pharmaceutical company.
The company's own business is developing and manufacturing general pharmaceuticals, the success of Apotex has made it possible to diversify into a number of other health-related fields. The Apotex Pharmaceutical Group of Companies also researches, develops, manufactures and distributes fine chemicals, non-prescription and private label medicines, and disposable plastics for medical use.
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